"To him who overcomes ... I will give him a white stone,
and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it.” Revelation 2:17

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Spider Webs

I think if a blog could collect spider webs, mine would be homey place for a spider. I am glad I do not have to dust the blog either. But I do have to dust my furniture... sigh. That needs to happen some time today!

Tidbits from the Holmes home: We have a home now, an apartment, actually; I'm still pregnant; We don't know the gender, so guess away; Joel is working full time and I dutifully pack his lunch every morning (right before we dash -- or in my case, waddle/flop/moan -- out the door to catch his 7:11am bus to downtown); I'm trying to sort out our apartment between classes (only 12 credits this term); I'm officially a housewife because Joel got a new job the same day I was laid off!

On Sunday evening, our heat went out. I noticed it first because the vent was blowing cold air at me while I slept. Hubby tried fiddling with it, but we were so tired from all the happenings over the weekend, that he gave up and we cuddled under two of our warmest blankets to sleep. I slept just fine because I have a built-in-and-29-weeks-along-and-growing-heater, but Joel didn't. We called them the next day, and since we were out all day, the maintenance men saw my cluttered and dusty apartment. :s My grandma would be appalled. She always said to keep a tidy home and a clean kitchen because if you didn't and the Lord came, people would come into your house later and think you weren't ready to go. Well, we didn't look ready to go, but I suppose it was a good trade-off because the heat was on again when we got home.

Here are some pregnancy pictures that Willow took for us. Colleen did too, but she must not have had any film in the camera because I haven't seen or heard anything about them since... ;) Oh, and this was about 26 weeks, I think, so just add two inches (and a couple pounds) to my stomach in your mind and that is about what I am now.

The bump is very obvious now... the domino's pizza guy congratulated me, so I think I officially "look pregnant".

I'm going to try and post more regularly for the sake of all my long-distance friends. And eventually, I'll want somewhere to brag about our oh-so-cute-and-intelligent baby, so this will work nicely. :)


  1. Hooray for blogs! Excellent update. Our family sat at the breakfast table and read it together. You look wonderful, Rachel, and of course Joel too. (; We are doing well, and are behind on blogging too, but you can read ours also at www.thecarpentersinchina.blogspot.com. We're curious now to know what part of the city you're living in and what Joel's job is exactly, so let us know in the next blog. Also, will Rachel graduate this summer?

  2. Hi Carpenters! Thanks for your blog! We'll be checking it, for sure. :) I'll try to fill you in on all the details in the next post. I can tell you that I won't be graduating this term, but December. I decided to only take 12 credits this term, and finish up the rest in the fall.
